(China Alert) What you talkin’ bout Willis?
- ranking
-Willis Towers Watson’s Global 500 ranked 34 Chinese managers
-We believe 147 should make the cut
-Omissions veil real opportunity in China
Update: Z-Ben Advisors knows that understanding and sizing China is a difficult task – we’ve been doing it for 12 years. We appreciate Willis Towers Watson including Chinese managers in its recent ranking of the largest 500 firms globally: 34 mutual fund companies made the cut in 2015, up from 31 the year before – not bad for the world’s third-largest asset management market. In the past, quite frankly, we have been befuddled over how such lists were put together, but, using what we assume to be their parameters, we have in some instances come eerily close to WTW’s numbers. In short, this could be the last time we shine a light on the gaps (a USD540bn gap just for fund companies) so, in what could be a final hurrah, allow us to provide some suggestions. While China becomes an increasingly prominent market globally, it’s important to realise that 34 names don’t come close to describing what is happening on the ground. You can’t measure China from London.
With USD7.8bn being the minimum buy-in to this exclusive club, Z-Ben Advisors believes that 147 Chinese managers meet this criteria. The reason for this difference is the…
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