Our Business

Our Business

Data Analytics

Built on a foundation of high-quality independent research, our range of subject-specific market intelligence reports cover every aspect of China’s asset management market. Our proprietary databases and institutional knowledge span almost 15 years, allowing us to provide rich opinions and insight on regulatory changes, competitive shifts and demand trends. Our publications range from annual market sizing reports, to monthly thought leadership white papers as well as periodic rapid-response analysis of key events, interpreting the implications for our clients.

Strategic Outlook
China Dashboard
China Alert
China Mutual Funds
The Competition

Advisory Support

A bespoke service providing our clients access to our market specialists, advisors and proprietary databases to handle more specific requests and to support China strategy development. Advisory hours can be used for a range of services including:

  • Calls/meetingsPeriodic updates on key developments and market trends, including tailored presentations.
  • Strategic & Business Development Support: Guidance when planning and internally advancing core strategic China initiatives.
  • Competitive Assessment Support: Understanding competitive market dynamics and positioning.

For more information about our publications and pricing, please download our product overview below. (Please note: Login via the link at the top-right of this page is required for download.)

Or, contact us at:

Tel: (+86 21) 6075 – 8163 Email: [email protected]

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