About Us

Z-Ben Advisors leads global financial institutions to an actionable understanding of China’s financial market dynamics.

  • We provide market intelligence and strategic advice on every facet of China’s asset management industry.
  • We combine raw fund flow data with competitive benchmarking to deliver focused and forward-looking market analysis.
  • We contextualize data against the regulatory developments that will significantly impact the China outlook and bottom lines of global financial firms.
  • Over the past 15 years, our projections have been proven right time and again, making Z-Ben Advisors the most trusted source of strategic advice in the industry.

Our Story

Back in the early 2000s

Z-Ben’s founder and Managing Director, Peter Alexander, was working on one of the first Sino-foreign joint ventures in Shanghai. While putting in long hours and many late nights, he knew there had to be an easier and more efficient way to tap into China’s rapidly-growing economy. The light bulb illuminated in 2004: Z-Ben Advisors was

In those days, reform was tough and slow

China was slowly opening its doors to foreign companies, but it still proved to be a difficult business environment. Eventually, some asset managers declared that it was just too tough, halting their China strategies.

Since then, we have grown significantly

Z-Ben has more than 80 clients, and assisting more than 80% of the world’s top 50 global asset managers capitalize on China. With Z-Ben, the future is bright, for China can be an opportunity, not a nightmare!

Savvier firms partnered with Z-Ben

We provided market intelligence, operational insight and strategic advice formed through years of experience to help global financial services firms master this incredibly complicated market. Together with Z-Ben, managers for the first time started to experience real success in China.

Our Value

  • Experience

    We were founded in 2004 and have years of operating in and understanding China.

  • Focus

    Z-Ben Advisors is the only data analytics and advisory firm that focuses exclusively on China; others may touch on the region in global reports, but China is our bread and butter.

  • Independence

    We're not tied to any third party. That means 100% neutral, unbiased work. We aren't afraid to voice our opinions and make bold predictions.

  • Professionalism

    Our Shanghai-based team of 40 staff monitors the markets every day to ensure we're on top of the latest trends and events that affect your business. We also have strong relationships with key figures across the country, and an outstanding comprehensive and proprietary database.

  • Analytical and forward-thinking

    Z-Ben Advisors' in-house experts can provide opinions, expectations and data projections based on facts to ensure you're ahead of the game.