(China Alert) RQFII reforms: The ball’s in your court
- cross border, RQFII
-All inbound access to China is now quota-light
-RQFII offers the greatest capital flexibility
-This raises questions about Hong Kong’s quota cap
Update: Inbound access is now as reformed as it is going to get for the time being. China announced changes to the RQFII program. This brings it in line with its dollar-denominated sibling, QFII, albeit with a few nuances that make it slightly superior. Inbound access reform has been the theme of the year; RQFII was the only remaining channel yet to be targeted by regulators. Z-Ben Advisors believes that what happens in the rest of the year is now down to investor demand.
This isn’t the first time we’ve written about inbound access reform, so we’ll spare you the hyperbole. The announcement itself is overshadowed by wider implications: …
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