Strategic Outlook April 2015
Barriers to RMB fixed-income access
Walking through a newly opened gate
Despite being among the largest debt markets in the world, China’s fixed income space commands a relatively limited amount of attention from the global investment community. Long-standing barriers to entry remain the oft-cited reason for hesitation by global players. The prospect of these barriers falling can no longer be ignored. Long-term growth potential is tremendous: even conservative estimates have the total debt market doubling by 2020 (from an estimated USD5.5tr to USD11tr).
Our newest strategic outlook examines these current barriers, but more importantly pinpoints how they are beginning to fall. The few (but certainly not all) who enter early and build market familiarity will enjoy significant commercial upside with unprecedented yield opportunities. Z-Ben Advisors believes no structural barriers to the fixed income market for foreign parties will stand by the end of 2015. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
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